Employment Opportunities Application for Employment Position(s) applied for Today's date Applicant Information Name First Middle Middle Last Last Street Address City/State/Zip Phone Employment Information Are you seeking full time, part time, or temporary employment? Full time Part time Temporary When are you available to work? * Are you currently employed? Yes No If hired, when would you be able to start? Education (mark highest level achieved) Secondary: 9 10 11 12 GED College: 1 2 3 4 Graduate: 5 6 Name of School(s) Military Service (if applicable) Thank you for serving. Work History (please begin with most recent) Company Phone Number with Area Code Address City/State/Zip Employment: From To To Salary: Beginning Ending Ending Job Title Supervisor's Name & Title Describe duties briefly: Specific reason for leaving: plus1 Add Additional Jobs Here minus1 Remove May we contact the employers listed above? Yes No What is your favorite restaurant and why? I understand and agree that nothing contained in this application, or conveyed during any interview is intended to create an employment contract between the company and me. In addition, I understand and agree that if you employ me, in consideration of my employment, my employment and compensation will be at-will, for no definite period of time, and may be terminated at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. I understand that only the company’s President is authorized to change the employment-at-will status and such a change can only be done in writing. I have read, understand, and agree to the above. Signature Date Upload Your Resume PDF or Word document Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB If you are human, leave this field blank.